Friday, February 13, 2009

"Welcome to Women Now where women are trusted friends please put your hands where I can see them and surrender any bombs."

Yes, I watched Juno, as might be evident from my title. I've also been writing. 


It is curiously liberating to just throw quality out the window, shred it into tiny pieces, jump up and down on it, douse it in gasoline, and shower it with lighted matches. It's the Nano state of mind, only more so. 

So, current state of affairs: Kael and all the Military are hungover, Bleach and Cole are sightseeing, the rest of the techs are cracking the world network, (assisted by the Military,) the Drudges are shopping, Appel is being interrogated, Jennet discovered an empty closet, and Dane and Very are being nauseating. I think Petria locked herself in the shower again too, which is related to Dane and Very being nauseating. That about covers it!

EDIT: Objective of the weekend- write 6k. Everyone else I know is juggling some combination of school, work, reading, and writing, so I can manage this, right? *crosses fingers*

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