Wham, welcome to Hecate Hall, where Prodigium (faries, witches, and shifters) are
Oh, and the cute guy she's crushing majorly on is dating the mean girl who is alternately trying to recruit her into her lovely little "oh, let's raise some zombies on the weekend, it'll be fun and sparkly!" group and trying to sabotage what's left of Sophie's life. And Sophie's been in the "normal" world for most of her life, so she's behind the curve on most every subject that the twelve year olds think a teddy bear could master.
What does Sophie do? What any self-respecting teenager would do. Say "I hate my life," be sarcastic to teachers, make friends with the only other person who has a similar social standing (the pink-loving vampire who OMG, might have EATEN someone!) and sigh from a distance at the cute boy.
The summary I just wrote might not be entirely accurate to all the details. JSYK. I didn't want to spoil things for you. I want you to read the book, and when it hits the end, to have my exact reaction- OMWORD THAT IS FREAKY OH NO BODY COUNT WAH I TRUSTED YOU WHO CAN I TRUST EVERYTHING I KNOW IS A LIE. (That reaction might be a trifle louder than I am normally, but I just ate half a batch of chocolate chip cookies. Volume happens.)
Let's go over the points that I feel need to be communicated.
- You should read this book, so that Rachel writes many more books that we the general population gets to read. The fact that it is lovely and has a wonderful plot and I read it in one sitting is taken for granted, as related to the caps lock in the previous paragraphs.
- I love Sophie's sarcasm.
- I love Archer. I know things look bad, but that's only because the circumstances LIE LIKE A RUG. We don't have all the information! EVERYONE KNOWS THAT WHEN YOU HAVE ALL THE INFORMATION THINGS WILL LOOK BETTER.
- Jenna's story is wonderful. I need to make a note and put it on my wall so that I treat all "side characters" in a similarly made-of-stark-awesome way.
- I want Demonglass now. Plz?
I gave it four stars out of five. Go read it. I need to go find tea and learn how to communicate without shouting.