Saturday, April 5, 2008

"Didn't want you to get your hopes up." "Don't flatter yourself."

So, Bahnree wrote a piece for Restless Hearts, which was a version of Hamlet from the viewpoint of another character. It was very good. Also, our literature professor said that writing some fiction- another chapter, or another viewpoint on a story- about a book that we read this year, would be acceptable as our literature paper. Long story short, she has just received approval to put the story in as her literature paper. *narrows eyes*

However, I said that she should ask the professor about using the piece, so I feel somehow related to the triumph of having a paper done 5 days early. *glee*

I personally, on the other hand, am trying to get the Science dialauge done. I'm certainly farming it out for approval/scorn/assistance to other people, cause I don't like it. *sigh*

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