Wednesday, February 6, 2008

It's time for Lynn to do something obnoxious

I have a working Title! It's *drum roll please* Definitely Not Legal. Expect this to change soon.

*smile* One of my characters is very small and cute. Sweet, in fact. That's just the way Katie came into my head. However, she's not so much fun to write. I had this scene where she's making tea, and bustling around the kitchen and everything. NOT inspiring. Therefore Lynn is going to do something really arrogant.

I was feeling kind towards him after meeting his parents, but you've gotta do what you've gotta do. Lynn is cruisin' for a bruisin'.

*demure smile*


Bahnree said...

haha "busting" around the kitchen, eh? Ladies....

Love the working title :D

Snazel said...

oops, finger failure.
That was supposed to be "bustling" *shy*


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