Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"Hey, Miss Murder Can I...."

Word Count: 2,493
Scenes: 2, and a half. Ish.

I wanted to invent new people to cure my scene for myself only about twenty times today. ANd I didn't I think that's awesome, if I do say so myself. No wait, that was a lie, Awesome is not a word I'm using to describe my writing. Ever. The holes in my plots have changed. Now you can't get trucks through them. Now its more like Tanks. Or Ferries. *headdesk*

Just keep going.....

At least Veresh is safe for the day!


Merc said...

"All sins can be fixed in revision." O:) It has become a warcry around here...

Snazel said...

It's a good cry. ^_^

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