Friday, July 17, 2009

"This is a song called "What's 30 or 40 years? I'm holding out for a Vestal Virgin.""

Word Count: 2,204
Scenes: 5 (Doesn't that make me sound like I actually accomplishes something? I promise you, it's all a lie.)

Um, brain is dead. I've been awake for the past 18 hours, which I don't, usually do? yeah. *blinking* Wow, I'm a disgrace to my demographic. But the plot moves! Kinda. *sigh* It moves better than the last time, kay? And tomorrow I can get everyone off station! Wow, I've been saying that a lot recently. I should stop that. *nods* *falls over*

Also, tomorrow I get to write reunions! Yay timez!


Bahnree said...

I love you.

Merc said...

Yay word count!

Merc said...

(I know, pointless responses, BUT, I'm not yet awake. What can I say.)

Snazel said...

Thank you. *beams*

Snazel said...

Also, heh, twittering while not awake is even more fun. Especially when your family is having church and thinks, you're asleep, until your dad's cellphone goes off. Ooooopppps.

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