Saturday, May 17, 2008

I sell my soul, but only to the very highest bidder.

Word Count I should be at: 27,419
Word Count I am at: 26,104
Shortfall: 1,315

I admit it, I totally failed at writing on days where I also worked. But I'm starting to catch up now! Really! *sincere*

I'm rather happy about how my characters are suddenly discovering who they are. Hugh is amazing, I realized, and Adelheid has some kind of a personality! No, Hugh always had a personality, but I got to do an extended foray into how insane he actually is. You have no idea! He actually has a really sad backstory too. Or at least, it was sad in my head, so I hope it translates that way.

Also, Adelhied slapped someone, and got to be her queenly self in two dissimilar situations, which stitched together two divergent personality pieces in my head. Moreover, I finally wrote Adolph! He was the first character to arrive in my head, and the last one of my MC to talk. At this time he's remarkably fun to write, and I haven't even used many of his really good lines yet! *dances* He needs to do a lot of growing up though. This should be fun!

I finished the murder dare, so now I just have to include the one(s) about real people. And no, I am not counting Adelhied as me, despite the slapping episode. *firmly*

My story makes me happy.

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