Wednesday, May 7, 2008

"We r teh l33test snipezorz!" "Is that Latin?"

Word count I should be at: 11,667
Word count I am at: 9,110
Title: I am not who I am
Sanity: I've reverted to "thee" and "thou" when threatening my little sibs.
Coherence: Did I mention I have my own Dialect? Yeah. I'ts moving in'to i'ts own spelling a' grammar at this time.
Caffeine consumed: Two coffees and a mug of tea. Not bad, actually.

Yea, so I figured out a massive amount of plot related goodness and political intrigue today, met something like 8 new characters, thought up a title, planned out a PEN website; and re-wrote one stinking scene. I haven't even included half of my own dare from yesterday yet. But I did figure out a small titbit of how Adelheid works, which is desperately needed. 

Okay, I'm setting my alarm for 4, which is in 6 hours, *cries,* and I'm going to get up and actually write. And look at the news, but that's in between locals, when you need a mind break anywise.

And, I need to go take a shower and collapse. *blinks*

*baleful stare* Stephanie, I hope you're happy. I posted 4 times today.

Love you, my PENredux-ers!

1 comment:

Bahnree said...

I do love you, as a matter of fact. :D Sounds like your writing is going excellently.

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