Thursday, May 1, 2008

Now for wrath, now for ruin, and a red dawn!

It's begun!

Fuelled by lovely earl grey tea, I got up at 5 am, and wrote what I dearly hope is 1667 words, (I presently do not have a word count function available, which is being fixed soon!) Then I went back to sleep for three hours. Somewhat counterproductive, maybe, but the idea is to get into my head the habit of getting up before breakfast. This is because my family thinks staying up to 10:30 is pushing it, so my February practice of writing till 2am is not going to go over well, I fancy.

Now, the story. 
Where is it situated? Um, somewhere in Europe.
When is it? Um, around the time of the first crusade? I think?
What are your characters' names? Let me get back to you on that one, kay?
What's the title? Next question, please.
What is the major character forming event? *sheepish*
Do you even have characters? Sorta. I mean, I found out that my one named character is totally ADHD today! That's something, right?

It appears that I have a trifle of research to do.

Update: I now have a map of hope and glory. 

1 comment:

Bahnree said...

ROFL wow this post was so entertaining. tehehehe....I'm slightly curious as to how you only have one named character...that takes a bit of skill.
Maps of hope and glory are WONDERFUL! I should make myself one, because...I have no idea...what...where...who...why....AAAHHHEEEEEYYYARGGHH!!!
Good luck with that 5 AM thing.

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